The touch of a friend. The pleasure of a kiss. A contented evening spent with family. Like you, your bunny would love to have a bunny friend. My bunnies groom each other, nap side by side and have bunny races. They are so cute! Finding a companion for my bunny has made us both happy.
Your bunny’s new best friend could be waiting at BUNS. And BUNS will help you find that friend. We will introduce you and your bunny to new bunnies. When you find that special friend, we will be there to help. A skilled bunny bonder will help make the bond from start to finish. Of course, between Covid19 and RHDv2, dating has changed. To get ready to date your bunny, here is what to do:
First, vaccinate your rabbit for RHDv2. Your rabbit’s vaccination certificate is his/her ticket to true love! (See info on signing up later in this newsletter...)
Second, schedule an introduction by contacting: or talking to your BUNS adoption counselor.
Curious about bonding? Contact Or read this article from the Georgia House Rabbit Society: