Fun Games to Play with your Rabbit
We know that rabbits need exercise and toys to enrich their lives. But it is easy to do the same thing day after day. Yes, rabbits like routines. But routines can get boring. When your rabbit comes out for "playtime" and just sleeps for a few hours, your bunny may be bored. Rabbits are smart and curious. Old or young, your bunny enjoys exploring new things and overcoming challenges.
Here are some activities to entertain your bunny:
The Chicken Game: Instead of using a bowl, sprinkle pellets across the floor like chicken food while calling your bunny. Let the rabbit clean them up. Rabbits who love their pellets catch on fast. They race up to you when you start calling and sprinkling pellets across the living room.
Hidden Treasure: Place their most favorite items out of their daily salad ration in different spots. At first pick several of their favorite resting places. I use a set of cheap plastic saucers to protect the carpet. When your bunny starts play time by searching for treasures hide some of the food in less obvious places
Buried treasure: This game and is great for rabbits who like to destroy things. To start, place a strong smelling food item out of their regular ration in a lunch sack. Loosely close the sack and lay it on the floor. Some rabbits need the bag left open first. As the bunny becomes more skilled, use a paper grocery bag or a higher closure.
Pick a Cup, any Cup: This is a game for bunnies who like to toss things. Put a treat inside a paper Dixie cup. Lay the cup on it's side where the bunny will find it. After the bunny has found and eaten the treat, we're ready for phase 2. When the bunny cannot see, I put small amounts of their daily pellet ration under several upside down cups on the floor. Your rabbit will learn to knock over the cup to get at the pellets. Next add some empty cups along with the pellet cups. Your bunny will learn that not every cup has a reward, but if you keep trying you WILL get all the available rewards. That's using some IQ power.
Increase the difficulty of any game AFTER your rabbit is good at the easier level. This helps to encourage them. Rotate these foraging games with regular non-game nights. This keeps the games fresh. Use their regular food for the game so your bunny does not get fat.
Thanks to Lyssa for inventing these games.